
We are proud to say that we have been through the rigorous testing to say we are accredited by Unipol the national code of student housing. We want you to have the confidence you are dealing with a professional landlord and how else better to prove this by taking the time, effort and cost to show this to all students looking for student accommodation and houses in Preston.


We have worked for years with the local council as they govern the housing standards required within all rented houses in the Preston area. We are fully accredited landlords of Preston city council and below is a link to explain in more detail the standards needed to get this highly desired accreditation.

We hope this shows our professionalism and dedication to providing a genuine first class service to students in Preston


It takes a lot of skills to be a professional landlord. We take our role as landlords very seriously and if you are a student living in a large house it may need to be licensed. We are proud to say we are licensed HMO (house of multiple occupation) license holders.

Below are details of what this entails. Having worked with the council for years we always ensure our houses are upto there rigorous standards. We are proud to say we have an excellent working relationship with all authorities.


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